
View all SDS Publications by Prof. Julio Mercader, Research Staff and Students

Faunal Assemblages from Lower Bed I (Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania.) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Oldowan Technology Amid Shifting Environments ∼2.03–1.83 Million Years Ago, March 3, 2022
Microbotanical residues for the study of early hominin tools. Scientific Reports, February 22, 2022
A novel route for identifying starch diagenetic products in the archaeological record. PLOS ONE, November 18, 2021
Plant wax biomarkers in human evolutionary studies, Evolutionary Anthropology, Vol 30, Issue 4, 9 August 2021
Phytolith Palaeoenvironments at Mumba Rock Shelter, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 09 July 2021
Earliest known human burial in Africa, Nature, Vol 593, 5 May 2021
Early human impacts and ecosystem reorganization in southern-central Africa, Science Advances , 5 May 2021, Vol 7, Issue 19
Enacting Maasai and paleoanthropological versions of drought in Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania. Science and Technology Studies, Vol 34, February 15, 2021
Earliest Olduvai hominins exploited unstable environments ~ 2 million years ago, Nature Communications, Vol 12, 7 January 2021
Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction, and replacement in sub-Saharan Africa. Science Advances. Vol 6, 12 June 2020
Petrographic Characterization of Raw Material Sources at Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania, Frontiers in Earth Science, 28 May 2020
Isotopic and microbotanical insights into Iron Age agricultural reliance in the Central African rainforest, Communications Biology, Vol 3, 27 October 2020
High-resolution Characterization of Quartzites in Sourcing Analysis: Intra-Outcrop Variability at Naibor Soit, Tanzania. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences. Vol 12, 13 April, 2020
Initial assessment of bioavailable strontium at Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania: Potential for early mobility studies. volume 114, february 2020, 105066
Fingerprinting of quartzitic outcrops at Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania. volume 29, february 2020, 102010
SDS Publications Template
Human evolution and environmental change at Olduvai (Oldupai) Gorge, Tanzania. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, 2020
Trip to Tanzania Cartoon, Summer 2019

Take a look at the comprehensive listing of all publications undertaken
by the Stone Tools, diet and Sociality Project.

Soil and plant Phytoliths from the Acacia Commiphora–mosaics at Oldupai Gorge (Tanzania). PeerJ, December 11, 2019.
Late Middle Stone Age Behavior and Environments at Chaminade I (Karonga, Malawi). Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology Vol 2, 29 July, 2019
Structural characterization and decontamination of dental calculus for ancient starch research. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Vol 11, 11 April, 2019
Scientific facts and oral traditions in Oldupai Gorge, Tanzania: Symmetrically analysing palaeoanthropological and Maasai black boxes. Social Science Information, February 21, 2019.
Revisiting Panda 100, the first archaeological chimpanzee nut–cracking site. Journal of Human Evolution. Vol 124, November, 2018
Morphometrics of starch granules from Sub–Saharan plants and the taxonomic identification of ancient starch. Frontiers in Earth Science. Vol 6, 22 October, 2018
Exaggerated expectations in ancient starch research and the need for new taphonomic and authenticity criteria. Facets. Vol 3, 30 July, 2018
8,000–year–old record of Middle and Later Stone Age innovation in an East African tropical forest. Nature Communications. Vol 9, 9 May, 2018
Paleoeocological reconstructions of the Bed I and Bed II lacustrine basins of Olduvai Gorge (Tanzania) and their impact on early human behavior. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. Vol 488, 15 December, 2017
Starch contamination landscapes in field archaeology: Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. BOREAS. Vol 46, October, 2017